
A collection of 21 posts

Feb 13, 2021

Mental Health in Pictures (A Film)

Mental Health in Pictures (A Film)

A beautiful short film opening conversations about mental health through artwork of Dorota Chioma. Directed by Maddie Kitchen for Sobriety Films UK and Music 'Phoenix' by Heren Wolf.

Jan 31, 2021

A discussion on Bipolar Disorder

A discussion on Bipolar Disorder

We had the opportunity to have an in-depth discussion on Bipolar Disorder. Panel included: Mark, Claudette and Anuj with living experiences, Charities Bipolar UK and Bipolar India and Pooja (our supporting clinical psychologist).

Nov 8, 2020

R U Ok Mum?

R U Ok Mum?

A postnatal depression awareness collaboration with inspiring stories, charity support and using art as therapy.

Aug 25, 2020

Men and Mental Health with Steve

Men and Mental Health with Steve

Mental Health in men is real. In this collaboration Steve and I talk about his story, mental health in men, stigma they face and how can different generations come together to fight this stigma.