Mental Health in Pictures (A Film)
Dorota is a fellow Time to Change Champion. She is a self-taught artist and poet/writer based in London, who after years of self-suppression, which was sabotaging her wellbeing and leading to a massive mental health breakdown, rediscovered her creativity.
In October 2020, she published her first book Mental Health in Pictures after her first exhibition was cut short due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental Health in Pictures presents over 30 pieces of artwork accompanied by narratives and poetry, which explore the varying states concerning the mind and mental health. You can buy her book on Amazon here: .
You can follow her work on and Facebook at Dori’s Artwork and buy some of her artwork on @indulgetheartisan .
This short film beautifully made by @sobrietyfilmsuk despite of the challenges posed by the lockdown, is an insight into some of Dorota's artworks which are included in her book: Mental Health in Pictures. In this film she reached out to like-minded people - her tribe - as she loves to call them, to talk about mental health using the chosen artwork as a conversation opener. Art is healing. Art can soothe, intrigue, provoke thinking or conversations.
Directed by @sobriety_films | Music by @herenwolf | Tribe @3mldn @wendy.gabriel.79